PDF⋙ Insolvency Legislation: Annotations and Commentary 2007 Edition by Louis G. Doyle

Insolvency Legislation: Annotations and Commentary 2007 Edition by Louis G. Doyle

Insolvency Legislation: Annotations and Commentary 2007 Edition

Insolvency Legislation: Annotations and Commentary 2007 Edition by Louis G. Doyle PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Insolvency Legislation: Annotations and Commentary provides practical guidance on the key UK primary and secondary insolvency legislation. In addition to the complete texts of the Insolvency Act 1986 (as amended), the Insolvency Act 2000, the EC Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings 2000, the Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations 2006 with the UNCITRAL Model Law, the Enterprise Act 2002 and the Insolvency Rules 1986 (as amended), readers are provided with a detailed analysis on the statutory provisions within a single, portable volume. Combining the experience and knowledge of an established practitioner and a leading academic in the field, Insolvency Legislation: Annotations and Commentary provides detailed commentary under headings including general observations, terminology or specific wording, practical issues, and procedure. The text supplies a succinct practical discussion of relevant insolvency provisions and case law. It has been written specifically for the purpose of assisting not only in the identification of the key legal principles, but also in facilitating practical problem solving. This second edition has been indexed and tabled to page for ease and speed of reference.

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