PDF⋙ GPU Computing Gems Jade Edition (Applications of GPU Computing Series)
GPU Computing Gems Jade Edition (Applications of GPU Computing Series)
GPU Computing Gems Jade Edition (Applications of GPU Computing Series) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
GPU Computing Gems, Jade Edition describes successful application experiences in GPU computing and the techniques that contributed to that success. Divided into five sections, the book explains how GPU execution is achieved with algorithm implementation techniques and approaches to data structure layout. More specifically, it considers three general requirements: high level of parallelism, coherent memory access by threads within warps, and coherent control flow within warps.This book begins with an overview of parallel algorithms and data structures. The first few chapters focus on accelerating database searches, how to leverage the Fermi GPU architecture to further accelerate prefix operations, and GPU implementation of hash tables. The reader is then systematically walked through the fundamental optimization steps when implementing a bandwidth-limited algorithm, GPU-based libraries of numerical algorithms and software products for numerical analysis with dedicated GPU support, and the adoption of GPU computing techniques in production engineering simulation codes. The next chapters discuss the state of GPU computing in interactive physics and artificial intelligence, programming tools and techniques for GPU computing, and the edge and node parallelism approach for computing graph centrality metrics. The book also proposes an alternative approach that balances computation regardless of node degree variance.
This book will be useful to application developers in a wide range of application areas.
- This second volume of GPU Computing Gems offers 100% new material of interest across industry, including finance, medicine, imaging, engineering, gaming, environmental science, green computing, and more
- Covers new tools and frameworks for productive GPU computing application development and offers immediate benefit to researchers developing improved programming environments for GPUs
- Even more hands-on, proven techniques demonstrating how general purpose GPU computing is changing scientific research
- Distills the best practices of the community of CUDA programmers; each chapter provides insights and ideas as well as 'hands on' skills applicable to a variety of fields
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