PDF⋙ Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition: A Biomimetic Approach by Pascal Magne, U. Belser
Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition: A Biomimetic Approach by Pascal Magne, U. Belser
Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition: A Biomimetic Approach by Pascal Magne, U. Belser PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This book introduces a unique approach to esthetic restoration of the anterior dentition. Guided by the philosophy of biomimetics, the authors combine sound biologic principles with an overriding respect for the natural intact tooth to achieve esthetic satisfaction with bonded porcelain restorations. Unlike traditional veneers, the approach described here draws upon the ideal hues, the subtle shades, and especially the intracoronal anatomy of the intact tooth to serve as a guide to reconstruction and as a measurement of success. From this perspective, a checklist of fundamental esthetic criteria is presented, and treatment planning, diagnostics, tooth preparation, laboratory procedures, adhesive luting procedures, and maintenance protocols are carefully detailed. The reader will find all the information and step-by-step instruction needed to obtain the authors superior results, which are showcased throughout the book.From reader reviews:
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