PDF⋙ Obama: The Historic Journey by The New York Times, Jill Abramson, Bill Keller
Obama: The Historic Journey by The New York Times, Jill Abramson, Bill Keller
Obama: The Historic Journey by The New York Times, Jill Abramson, Bill Keller PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This is the remarkable story of Barack Obama's journey to the White House, as told by the greatest cultural recorders in the world, the staff of The New York Times. From the first mention of Barack Obama in its pages (when he was elected president of the Harvard Law Review), to his electrifying speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention, to the days and months of the hardfought, innovative campaign for Presidency, The New York Times has documented, recorded, and analyzed Obama in all the ways that he has irrevocably changed this country.In twelve rich chapters, filled with award-winning photos and graphics, as well as text from Nobel Prize and Pulitzer—winning columnists like Paul Krugman and Thomas Friedman, and seasoned political reporters like Adam Nagourney, The New York Times tells Obama's unlikely and incredible journey from the beginning all the way to his inauguration as President of the United States. Jill Abramson, the managing editor of the Times will provide biographical text and Bill Keller, the executive editor, will pen the introduction. Throughout, there will be profiles of important figures in Obama's life and the campaign—Valerie Jarrett, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, his parents and grandparents, and Michelle Obama. Obama's own writing, from his memoirs and speeches across the country, will be included, along with what will surely be an iconic, groundbreaking speech—his Inauguration Day speech.
This book will be a treasured cultural document and the pinnacle of election coverage. This is the best of the best showcasing the most extraordinary political event of recent times.
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