PDF⋙ Fitness Boxing: The Ultimate Workout by Andy Dumas, Jamie Dumas

Fitness Boxing: The Ultimate Workout by Andy Dumas, Jamie Dumas

Fitness Boxing: The Ultimate Workout

Fitness Boxing: The Ultimate Workout by Andy Dumas, Jamie Dumas PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A comprehensive guide to all the techniques used in a boxer's training program, including strength, stamina, improved speed, and more

The benefits of boxing training are many: weight loss and toning, improved speed, strength, stamina, coordination, balance, and flexibility. This book covers all the techniques used in a boxer's training program, and shows how to tailor these to suit individual needs through the use of color photographs and step-by-step guidance. It's a comprehensive guide to a non-contact cardiovascular workout that's safe, effective, and enjoyable. This title has been endorsed by the World Boxing Council.

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