PDF⋙ Earthwalking Sky Dancers: Women's Pilgrimages to Sacred Places
Earthwalking Sky Dancers: Women's Pilgrimages to Sacred Places
Earthwalking Sky Dancers: Women's Pilgrimages to Sacred Places PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In this collection, Leila Castle has gathered together women writing about spiritual initiation, identity, and transformation. Their pilgrimages are inspired by places sacred to many traditions worldwide—among them Old European Goddess, geomancy, Tibetan Buddhism, Native American, Peruvian shamanism, and Mayan. Their stories explore interdependence and autonomy, connection to the earth, and developing a new spiritual voice. They relate journeys to far-off Australia, Hawaii, and Africa, as well as to rural England and New Mexico. Sometimes they write and about becoming a person vastly different from the wife, mother, artist student, or academic individual who started the journey. Inspiring and illuminating, these are adventures stories into the unknown and deeply felt. Honoring the sacred feminine energy of the earth, these women are also working towards rebalancing male and female energies in culture and relationships.From reader reviews:
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